Simple php maker
Simple php maker

  1. Simple php maker full#
  2. Simple php maker registration#

In the add or edit page, change the "Trademark" combobox and see how the "Model" combobox changes.

simple php maker

JQuery File Upload and Multiple File UploadĬlick "Employees", go to the Add or Edit page, try the "Photo" field.Ĭlick "Cars" in the left menu and then add or edit a record. The page has a larger page size and the records are scrollable.Ĭlick "Customers" and enter a few characters in the "Customer ID" textbox in the search panel.Ĭlick "Order Details", try to add a new record, select a product and the price will be auto-filled.Ĭlick "Cars" and then add or edit a record, click "Add Trademark" and then "Add Model" to add a parent/child option to the comboboxes.Ĭlick "Cars", click "Cards view" / "Table view" buttons to toggle between Custom Card / List layoutĬlick "Cars" or "Categories" or "Customers" or "Employees" or "Products".Ĭlick "Suppliers", then "Search" button on top right corner of the navigation bar.Ĭlick "Products" and then click the "Filter" icon next to "Product Name".Ĭlick "Cars" and move mouse cursor over the hyperlinks of the model names.Ĭlick "Cars" and then add, edit or view a record.Ĭlick "Orders", it has 2 detail tables: "Order Details" and "Order Details Extended". Click on any row to see the description notes for the employee.įixed Header Table (Extension for registered users only)Ĭlick "Orders2". Click the preview button on the left.Ĭlick "Employees". Move mouse cursor over the detail table link.ĭetail Preview (Off Canvas) with Sorting and Paging (Extension for registered users only)Ĭlick "Orders". Try add or edit a record.ĭetail Preview (Overlay) (Extension for registered users only)Ĭlick "Customers". Grid-Add/Edit, Inline-Add/Copy/Edit, Multi-Delete/UpdateĬlick "Orders", click "Master/Detail Add" button in the top or bottom panel, and the "Master/Detail Edit/Copy" links in the dropdown button in each row.ĭata Confirmation on Add/Edit, CAPTCHA on AddĬlick "Suppliers". Click "Highlight" button to hide/show the highlight effect. You can login using the administrator account first, then logout and re-login using other accounts to see the Advanced Security works.Ĭlick "Cars" and search Category in the search panel. you can only modify your own record in the "Employees" table.

Simple php maker full#

This account has full permissions except user management. This is the administrator account which have full permissions, including user management. You can then login using the following accounts to see the feature works. You can view some pages without login as an anonymous user. This demo project shows you how the generated pages look like and illustrates some of the advanced features: More detailed description of this demo project is provided in the tutorials of the help file. The scripts are generated by PHPMaker without hand-coding.

simple php maker

Note This demonstration uses some extensions which are available for registered user only. In section you have to link CSS file name “style.css” & Put “result.php” in submit action.This demonstration requires browsers with JavaScript enabled. in this file you have to make a quiz template with question & answers form. You have to create 3 files named here given.įirst, create a file named “ quiz.php“. There are 3 files, “ quiz.php” “result.php” & “style.css”.

simple php maker

This programs have many issues I have already said this is basic for better learning and understanding.

simple php maker

This is very simple So, easy to understand. I think this is the strength of this blog. As always, I am sharing a clean, basic & simple code. I had created a very simple quiz program and now I am sharing this Quiz Code.

Simple php maker registration#

Login System in PHP and MySQL | Complete Registration Systemįree Bootstrap Login Form Source Code PHP Quiz Code I had created with the help of method=”post” & var $ ( PHP variables ) only. This programme is basically based on PHP but, you don’t have to create a database for it. This Quiz was created with PHP, HTML & CSS, Easy to create and you can use it anywhere. Build a Simple Quiz In PHP: This is so easy to make.

Simple php maker